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My Life With Anxiety

I felt I needed to write down my experience with anxiety, as for the past 12 years I haven’t really been open about it, only really to my partner of 16 years. Im 36 yo male. It might help minimise my emotions right now.


Around 12 years ago, I started to get major anxiety about flying. Im not really sure how this occurred, as before that I flew many times for many years with no issues. Then all of a sudden, my body would freeze up on the morning of going on a planned flight. And I would need to cancel. It got really bad for around 3 months and multiple on the day flight cancellations, that I sought help from a doctor. I was put on an anti-anxiety medication during the day and at night, and it helped. The problem is, I am very good with flying on the day, a little anxious, but on the day I am fine. Leading up to the day I am a mess. My body freezes, I get a tingling feeling in my body, and I go into a shell.


I have seen a psychologist which showed me techniques for relaxing, but im not very good at relaxing. I switched anti-anxiety medications as my doctors request three years ago, and now take something else in the morning, and nothing at night, as it was making me sleepy and took a while to wake up in the morning.


I work in an office, and my day to day normal interaction is very good, I never have anxiety at work or with family. It always seems to come before I am due for a flight. This is why I am writing today as im due for a flight in around a week, and all my anxious feelings are hitting hard right now, maybe its just the process I go through before the actual day.


Re: My Life With Anxiety

hi @John_PPP and welcome
well done for reaching out and sharing your story.
please feel free to have a look around and join in wherever you like.

how are you going after your flights?
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