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Job anxiety

Hello, I have had three jobs in two years. Two of them I had to leave due to stress and anxiety and even depression. I've been unemployed for two months and was just starting to relax and enjoy life again when an acquaintance suggested I apply for a job in her organisation. I got an interview but they messed me around trying to put me in another job where they needed me more. I got bad anxiety again over this and withdrew my application. Had a really bad day freaking out with anxiety and had to ring Lifeline who were amazing. My psychiatrist reckons every time I have a relapse of anxiety or depression it is caused by my job. I think jobs can cause so much stress and mental issues. Would love to hear what others think about this

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Re: Job anxiety

Hello @Hello5


Hi there and welcome to the SANE forums, we are so glad you found us and have joined our wonderful community. There are lots of members here that can understand what you might be going through and offer valuable peer support. We hope you enjoy connecting with everyone.

I'm the moderator on duty right now.   Feel free to ask the SANE forum team or the members if you need help with how to use the forum. You might like to check out the Guidelines as they can be pretty useful in understanding how it all works

Take care.



Re: Job anxiety

Hi, I'm just so glad I found this website, it's something I really need. Looking forward to hearing from others

Re: Job anxiety

Hi @Hello5 ,


Welcome to the forums and braving it out to share some of your story.


I definitely do believe jobs can be stressful, but I also believe anything can be a stressor. I have worked most of my life, and some days are more stressful than others. Sometimes, it is to the point where I give a verbal resignation and never want to return. 

During COVID in Melbourne, I continued to work, but from home. This was also stressful, and I wanted to be back onsite. After nearly 6 months at home, I returned to onsite work 3 weeks ago....and guess what? I still find it stressful! Another thing to add, when I'm on holidays, I still have relapses of stress! 

Ive come to the conclusion...everything is potentially a stressor. Being able to reflect on these stressors and know the red flags means you can work with them.


@Hello5 , I think you have made a very positive move in the right direction. Now that you know work potentially stresses you, what can you change in terms of your work to reduce the stress. Not working or avoiding work may cause other stresses such as limited socialisation opportunities, financial stresses, the stress of idleness.... the list goes on. 

I hope I make a little sense.



Re: Job anxiety

Yes you make a lot of sense. I'm 64 now so seriously thinking of retiring but I agree you can get lonely and isolated. Will give it some time and see

Re: Job anxiety

Hi @Hello5 and welcome to the forum. Smiley Very Happy

If you are thinking of retiring then maybe a good way to go to avoid that loneliness and isolation is to volunteer somewhere that you feel you can both contribute something as well as enjoy. That would help you still being with people, filling your time and also the joy of knowing you are impacting the lives of others in a positive way. Something to think about maybe.

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