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Is anyone else really struggling with the mask mandate and restrictions?


I am a specialty coffee professional based in Brisbane and are really struggling with the lockdown and mask mandate.

Due to the nature of my job, I wear a mask for 10 hours at work then spend a 2 hour round trip on the train.

I am finding the feeling of being suffocated for 12 hours a day really awful and I am struggling not being able to see peoples faces. The 55 minute train trip each way leaves me feeling trapped and afraid and the constant announcements about the virus make me terrified that there is an invisible danger that could harm me or my friends. 

It has made me terrified of everything to the point where I am hysterically crying every morning.

I understand why these rules are in place but i am having a hard time with the reality of it.

My mental health is at an all time low and I dont know how to function properly anymore.


Re: Is anyone else really struggling with the mask mandate and restrictions?

I live in Sydney, and I have to wear a mask at work and when I am out shopping, inside the shopping centre. I also have to wear them on public transport, but I don't use public transport anyway.


I was absolutely fuming when I found out that they mandated masks, and in the early days of enforcement. Since then, I have grown used to wearing them. I understand, though, that having to wear them for twelve hours is a very uncomfortable proposition. I was really struggling with not being able to see people's faces, but that was more of a symbolic thing, not because I actually have anyone to see. You can read my thoughts about it on this post.


I'll be honest, at work when there is no-one around me, I put the nose down, and that is way more comfortable. I know that's not what you're supposed to do, but I'll be a bit naughty in that regard. You can also find other ways to get relief around the rule. For example, you don't have to wear a mask while you're eating and drinking, so bring a water bottle or snacks with you, and whenever you need a breath, stop for a second, try to get some privacy and have a drink.


You might want to look up the exemptions to the rule, because I know some forms of mental illness qualify. That could seriously help. If someone gives you grief for not wearing a mask, remind them that it is the role of the Police to enforce the rule, not citizens themselves. Considering the situation is having such a paralysing effect on your mental health, I don't think you would have trouble getting an exemption if it's within your rights. You may also be able to get an exemption if you claim that your job makes wearing a mask a heat exhaustion risk. I know it gets REALLY hot behind a coffee machine.


Finally, consider trying different types of masks, with different materials. This may also make you feel more confident in them, because you can make it a way to express yourself. I have found that the fabric ones look really good, but they are so heavy that they get a little uncomfortable. The blue surgical ones feel and work better but look really clinical, no pun intended.


That's all the specific advice I have, but in a general vein, please don't worry too much about the announcements of the virus. Queensland is REALLY aggressive about their management of the virus.. like I swear, they will probably get one case and go into a Stage Nine lockdown. The case numbers are beyond your control. You're doing your bit. Even if you get the virus, which is highly unlikely, there's a process for that.


You're going to be OK.


All the best x.

Re: Is anyone else really struggling with the mask mandate and restrictions?

Hi @Gretchenmeows all I can say is yes. I have pretty bad anxiety and I feel so on edge all day. Even the times I take it off if I'm not at home I'm anxious that I'm meant to have it on. I've been staying at home where possible justo avoid it but that's not helpful either. 
I am hoping that Friday restrictions will be eased again and that is what I'm hanging on to. 
I think  your reaction is very understandable 

Re: Is anyone else really struggling with the mask mandate and restrictions?

Hello @Gretchenmeows 

I am in Melbourne and we have been in lockdown plus masks for a while. I can understand your stress.  I have been lucky in that I have not had to work for long hours while wearing one. It is terrible restrictive and would likely trigger different feelings of frustration.  The important thing to do is to do work on not letting your fear get out of control.  The physicality of the mask does mimic suffocation but it is not.  Its important to accept that in your self talk to help manage your anxiety. Your difficulties are real, but try and not to let generalised fear take over your thiinking.  There are viruses out there and WE ARE MANAGING them.  I now deliberately check other continents news just to get a bit more balance and see what is going in the whole world beyond the virus.

Take Care and Stay Safe


Re: Is anyone else really struggling with the mask mandate and restrictions?

Hi all
I sympathise with you all. Masks are becoming a problem for many. I can see why.

I think some of the police are gungho about it as well. A power trip.

Pretty pathetic of them I think.

Its unfair that for a country that went through lockdown and had to cope with that we are now expected to just go along with the mood towards masks.

I say this knwoing full well that it helps limit the spread. But I also see the problems workers are having.

Its a hard time.

Re: Is anyone else really struggling with the mask mandate and restrictions?

One of the problems with masks is that they block a little oxygen from the air.  It might contribute to pannic, but I am not sure. I once had to work in an area where I had to have a mask and it was very uncomfortable. Not all masks are the same. One needs to get comfortable with a good designer mask?   There are even masks that have headphones built in where you can listen to music from your phone to relax.  

Re: Is anyone else really struggling with the mask mandate and restrictions?

I was terrified to go out and see people wearing masks, and it made the pandemic abruptly real for me. Also, not seeing peoples' mouths move made it hard for me to distinguish between the voices and real people talking. I would get upset when I'd see people not wearing a mask, and would sometimes chastise them for it. Today I spent quite a substantial amount of time out with a mask on and now have become accustomed to it. While the virus's reality is still daunting, having a mask covering my face, and wearing my sunglasses and hat, gives me a sense of security. I wear a spacer with the mask, which makes it a lot easier to breathe. 

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