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need some advice

hi everyone


was wondering whare the clues are that people experience to know when it may be time to change jobs and what they could do to just try hang on a bit longer until the right time.


am looking at some point to exit hospitality as while have enjoyed it mostly until the coronavirus started and still do when its not so busy you cant keep up would at some point be looking to starting own part time business instead and do electrical test and tag and few other courses to supplement it.


have done it nearly 15 years and in last 18 months its gotten harder because of the coronavirus and being short staffed all time and only hanging on because of getting on well with the team.


do however want to be able to say have worked for this person 15 years because these days people dont last that long and 15-20 years is a great effort particularly for this generation of middle aged workers.


am however in no big hurry to do anything but just slowly planning now because unlikely to last more than 5 years and might do well to last that in hospitallity and itll probably take 5 years to come up with something.


also seen that tafe do a short course on basic home maintenance and wondered wether it might be worth looking into at some point in next couple years.


then may be able to do a bit of that for someone and banks might be happier lending money to buy land and build to lockup stage and be ok with customer finishing off inside themselfs if they can show atleast a tafe certificate to say theyre competent and just get a tradie in for those few things that have to be done by one.


if yous could reply thatd be great

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Re: need some advice

Hi @daisy20202-7 

I worked with someone who built their own house and I know others who have as well. It's dependent on the building rules and regulations in the council area. Building approval may need the builder to have a licence or Tafe qualifications, I'm not sure. It's a very exciting idea!


I don't blame you for thinking of leaving hospitality. It's a challenging industry always, and now with the pandemic... 


For me, I tend to listen to my feelings about my work. If I no longer feel inspired by my job, or I no longer enjoy it, then it's time for a change. I worked one place over 10 years but where I am now is less than 5 years and I know I need to move on. How I knew was that my heart and passion was gone for the work. I no longer enjoyed it and got the same sense of achievement in it. So, I've applied for other jobs and waiting to hear back... 

So if you have been there so long, and you feel like a change, I'd encourage you to think about your options for what else you can do. The testing and tagging needs an electrical licence from tafe I think. But worth finding out. With your customer service skills from hospitality, you could do loads of different jobs like call centres, retail and banking industry. I always try and get another job before I resign from my current job... In case it takes a while to find something.

I wish you well with your future plans!


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