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General Postal Voting

So, the federal election has been called and will be held on 21 May.  A while ago, I encouraged a friend who lives with anxiety to register to become a general postal voter, which means she gets all her election ballots posted to her, and she fills them out and posts them back, and she doesn't have to front up to a polling booth ever again in her life, which makes voting much, much easier for her! She received the help of her GP in filling out the necessary form, I think, but it doesn't seem to be mandatory that you have to have proof from a medical professional. 


If your mental health makes the actual act of voting at a polling booth difficult for you, consider registering for a postal vote!


Re: General Postal Voting

Hi @Gwynn this sounds good

Re: General Postal Voting

The AEC has opened registrations for postal voting if you do want to postally vote this time around, but not always.  If, among the other allowed reasons, you have a reasonable fear for your safety, such as being scared of catching COVID, you are allowed to apply for a postal vote as a one off. 

Re: General Postal Voting

Thank you @Gwynn , this is helpful as I hadn't considered it. But being at risk of severe Covid I think I will do this. 

Re: General Postal Voting

I’d suggest that you apply earlier rather than later, as it should help your vote get to you in good time.

Re: General Postal Voting

Hi @Gwynn, thank you so much for this post- so important to ensure that access to voting is equitable 🙂


Very timely reminder for many of us that there are options outside of face to face voting! 

Re: General Postal Voting

Great idea! I do this too. My anxiety is just too much going in there and having to be swamped with political spin and crowds. 

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