Re: Winter solstice

Really sorry it was a bad day yesterday @Dimity 


It sounds complicated to arrange a helper 😣 Good luck with it...


Sending care and wishes for you. 

Re: Winter solstice

@NatureLover thanks. I've short-listed 2 people now. I feel ashamed for wanting help.

This week I think I'll end up with 4 medical appointments. Today I went to the library to print off forms a specialist sent me for an appointment in a few weeks. One appointment is because my old gp recalled me for some reason. It's all a bit upsetting.

It's cold but I haven't started using heating yet. I can't read the a/c remote. 







Re: Winter solstice

Oh @Dimity  🫂 I'm sorry you feel ashamed for needing help. I know you put such high standards on yourself. I wish I could say something of comfort...


I was glad to read that there are 2 hopeful-looking people for potential helpers.


I'm sorry too that your old GP has recalled you for some reason. They weren't good. 


@Dimity wrote:

I can't read the a/c remote. 

Do you mean because of your eyesight? I know I had to buy a cheap magnifying glass to augment my glasses occasionally, as some things are still too small for me to read. 


I know 4 medical appts in a week would be too much for me! I am sending wishes for you... 

Re: Winter solstice

Thanks @NatureLover 

I'm glad I'm moving on from the old gp. It 

wasn't a good appointment and she wrapped it up in less than two minutes. 

I'm blind in one eye (it's inoperable).The other isn't good and today the surgeon said it's time for surgery but there's risk. He booked me in. Yes I'll try to find my magnifier, it's somewhere in the clutter. 

I haven't felt up to gardening. It would be nice to see late dahlias, or chrysanthemums,  or cinerarias... I haven't seen them in years. How is the garden you tend?










Re: Winter solstice

That makes me cross on your behalf, @Dimity , that your old GP got the cost of one final appt out of you for no reason! 


Oh gosh, surgery on your eye 😮 That's major. I'm sorry to hear you're blind in one eye 😢


Your garden does sound beautiful even if some flowers aren't flowering. The garden here is so lovely and nurtures my spirit. Even if there is only one flower out at the moment. 


It's lovely seeing you around more often 🙂

Re: Winter solstice

But the gp appt wasn't for no reason @NatureLover ... she relayed some information  but in her typical clipped manner, with no room for discussion or questions.  I guess I'll follow up with the new gp. 

I'm glad you're enjoying your garden. My new red salvia is flowering nicely and the native correas are in bud, otherwise there's not much out at the moment. There are one or two late roses.



Re: Winter solstice

Ah, I see @Dimity ... I'm glad you don't have to see that GP again. 


I'm envious of your late roses, especially with how cold it's been lately. Concerned you can't run your heater 🫂 Can you buy a cheap magnifying glass at a $2 shop while you can't find yours?



Re: Winter solstice

@NatureLover you spurred me onto unearthing my magnifier. Thanks. I've appreciated the heater. 

Still in that dark tunnel but inching forwards. 



Re: Winter solstice

Oh good, @Dimity  - you have warmth! And well done for finding your magnifying glass 🙂

Hoping for some light in your dark tunnel...

Re: Winter solstice

I'm in a muddle @NatureLover and not sure what direction I'm headed in. Spoke to a potential helper today and realised I must have sounded desperate. They'll get back to me tomorrow.