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Re: Struggling with everything

Good morning @Fluttershy1 

Hoping you got some sleep last night and today goes ok for you.

Take care sweetie 💜💜💜

Re: Struggling with everything

@Snowie - didn't really sleep, going to the farm so I get to see the lambs 

Re: Struggling with everything

Sorry to hear your sleep wasn't great @Fluttershy1 

I hope you enjoy the time out at the farm and seeing the lambs. Have a good time 

Re: Struggling with everything

Grandma in hospital @Snowie 

Re: Struggling with everything

Good morning @Fluttershy1 

Sorry I fell asleep early last night.


I am sorry to hear about your Grandma. I hope she is ok and not in there for too long.

Can you visit her at all?


I hope you got some sleep last night hon and today goes well for you.

Lots of love and hugs 💕💕💕

Re: Struggling with everything

She's home @Snowie, not coping mentally though, my head is a mess 

Re: Struggling with everything

I'm feeling helpless today, my emotions are running riot. I feel numb and unhappy. I wish something would take this pain away. I'm safe @Snowie 

Re: Struggling with everything

Hey @Fluttershy1 

I am glad your Grandma is home, that must be a relief for you and your family.


Am around for a bit if you need to chat or just sit


Re: Struggling with everything

Thanks @Snowie, relapsed in SH yesterday as it wasn't a good day, I'm just finding things a lot harder than normal, I'm hating this lockdown

Re: Struggling with everything

I have relapsed with SH lately too @Fluttershy1 so I know how you feel. All we can do is put it behind us and move on. I am hating this lockdown too. It is hard to go on and hard to deal with everything.

Please remember we have each other to try and make it through.

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