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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

Not great today

I really don’t feel great today. 

I had a horrible nights sleep, took me ages to fall asleep with my anxiety stirring and I woke a number of times during the night with it hitting me again. This beast is getting worse and don’t know how much more I can take. My chest and body aches and I feel exhausted. I want to sleep forever. 

I don’t know who to reach out to and talk to amongst all this, I got no one. I’m sorry.


Re: Not great today

Morning @Bow 


I'm so sorry to hear you had a horrible nights sleep - no wonder you don't feel great today. I have a lot of trouble with my sleep, due to racing thoughts hindering me falling asleep and then nightmares that I wake up suddenly from. 
Having good sleep has such a fundamental impact on our mood the following day.


Has your sleep been disrupted for awhile? If so, might be worth mentioning it to your GP to see if they have any suggestions regarding your sleep and anxiety.


There's some good fact sheets on 'Good Sleep Hygiene' on the web -eg. ---04---Sleep-Hygiene.... 


I don't know if I've helped at all, but I do understand how you feel struggling with lack of sleep. You've got no reason to say sorry.



Re: Not great today

Hi Bow. Sorry to hear you're going through a hard time. You getting any support?

Re: Not great today

I’m so sorry it’s like this for you @Bow  I really hope tonight is better for you.

Have you talked to any of the Sane counsellors?

Re: Not great today

Thanks @WIP @Hello5 @Eve7 

i hate night time,  so exhausted and wanting to sleep and not wake. And knowing I’ll have to do it all again tomorrow. I’ve been in this place before, felt these feelings and it’s scary. 

Today wasn’t a good day, I spent most of it laying in bed. 

Re: Not great today

I am sorry it’s been so hard and that it’s continuing tonight @Bow . I’m here listening to you.

Take care and please reach out if you are not safe.


Re: Not great today

Ta @Eve7 Don’t know how to keep doing it feel so done. It’s not fair sometimes.

Re: Not great today

I agree that it’s really hard and feels unfair @Bow  but as long as we keep putting one foot in front of the other we’ll win this battle 💜

Re: Not great today

I think I’m going to take myself back to my gp tomorrow morning. I absolutely hate going to the doctor, hate talking about what’s wrong and that I am not coping. 

I need help with this anxiety while I am waiting for an appointment with the psychologist.... well I’m assuming it’s anxiety related.... Struggling to breath and the heavy tight feeling in my chest. It’s affecting my sleep now and struggling to get through the day.

thing is, I never know how to bring these things up, what to actually say. It always feel awkward and I feel stupid. The thought of it makes the anxiety even worse tonight. 

Any words would be so greatly appreciated. 

Re: Not great today

I feel so stupid having to even ask here. I’m sorry. Feel useless 

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