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Something’s not right


I’m very disappointed in someone

Hi, I feel so childish not being able to deal with people. I’m sixty six and should know how by now but every now and then, something someone says just throws me.


I’ve tried ringing everyone I know and they’re busy and/or not answering their phones. Even this is annoying as I always answer my phone and have always been supportive of others when they needed someone to listen to them. Anyway, that’s just the way it is.


what happened is pretty straightforward. A friend of mine’s husband responded to a comment I made in a totally unexpected way. I was saying how the real estate agent had given me a negative report after a recent house inspection. I hate even have to let them into my house, but then to get a report that was negative really upset me. For a start, they were incorrect on every count and ended up withdrawing the complaint .


As soon as I had briefly outlined why I was upset, instead of support I got a “oh but you don’t know the other side” before relating how a house that they rent (I got the impression they may have several). I was dumb struck by this. He is the local ALP representative and I expected a bit of support at least. Instead I got dumped on by some whinging about how they are so hard done by as landlords.

I went home but got very upset by all this. It’s nothing I know, but that’s me. I just don’t cope very well with human interactions and people in general disappoint me. But you know, you make friends and work with people on projects and like have expectations of them. I felt totally let down. Thank Christ I have two beautiful dogs to look after me. I feel really depressed now. I moved to an incredibly small country community a couple of years ago, so it’s important to keep up the contacts that I make as there is a very limited number of people who I can socialise with.


So, that’s my rant. I had nowhere else to go and this was the only place I could think of to actually get it off of my chest. I’m going to feed the dogs now and hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow. I just feel so disappointed. 😢 


Re: I’m very disappointed in someone

Hello @BlueBayou1 this is a safe space to unload. I hope and trust you're feeling better now. I'm a similar age and still learning. It's hard sometimes because it can feel like such a putdown if people respond negatively or just don't get it, especially when you're distressed and trying  to reach out.

I'm glad the inspection report was eventually withdrawn, and that you have excellent company in your dogs.

Take care




Re: I’m very disappointed in someone

Oh yeesh @BlueBayou1 that's really rough, to be immediately shut down and invalidated like that. Like @Dimity said this is a safe space so I'm really glad you decided to get it all off your chest here. 


Hope you're feeling a little lighter now, and getting plenty of cuddles from your dogs tonight 💜

Re: I’m very disappointed in someone

Thanks Dimity. I really appreciate your support and understanding. Pete

Re: I’m very disappointed in someone

Thanks jinx. I really appreciate your comments. Bluebayou1

Re: I’m very disappointed in someone

Hi @BlueBayou1 , that is definitely not "nothing". I really feel for you. 


I'm glad the complaint against you was withdrawn, phew. 


A handy forum tip is if you type @ and then click on a name in the drop-down box, that person will get a notification and won't miss your reply.

Re: I’m very disappointed in someone

Thanks. I’ll try to remember😀 I feel better this morning though it has changed the nature of that friendship.

Re: I’m very disappointed in someone

Hi @BlueBayou1 


How are ye doing, hope ye feel better today.  This is a really good place to let what's troubling ye out, nothing worse than bottling things up inside and stewing in it.  A friend of mind said to me once, you will always be dissappointed if you set the same standards for others that you abide by.  I didn't want to believe her, but alas she has been right on so many occassions, I get pleasantly surprised when people show me the same respect that I show them!!!.


Anyways don't let others opinions get you down, you state your case and stick to it.  I much prefer animals to humans, you can always depend on them and they love ye unconditionally.  So be happy in yourself, you are a good human and you know you are.  Now play with those dogs of yours.........Asgard

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