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Re: I can’t cope

Ong “frangfet” HAHAHA @tyme

Re: I can’t cope

Do you recognise what he has drawn @ArraDreaming ? @Captain24 ?

Re: I can’t cope

Well my first thought was bluey @tyme but the names have be second guessing
Or I should “s-booey” my middle son calls it (he means ‘its bluey’)

Re: I can’t cope

Is 'Frangfet', Frankfurt? Is that a dog? @ArraDreaming 

Re: I can’t cope

That’s awesome. @tyme. Did he make it up or is it a cartoon? I love it. 

A map of the school with a compass is so cool. It makes you wonder where the idea of directions comes from. 

Like @ArraDreaming said, it’d be interesting to be in their head

Re: I can’t cope

Well I don’t think that’s off bluey @tyme but they look like bluey characters
Seasoned dad here and I don’t get it sorry to say
Epic drawing though maybe I’m just out of touch

Re: I can’t cope

I googled frangfet @ArraDreaming @tyme and nothing came up. 

Re: I can’t cope

I think it said it was the Bluey characters. I don't know because I don't know any of the names @Captain24 @ArraDreaming . 


My nephew is still a very phonetic speller because he's only in year 1. 


He's very ordered and his mind is super logical. 


On the other hand.... my niece? Forget it. She's holding a pen and the next thing, she's looking for it. 


The kids are so different despite the same parents...


How's your baby girl @ArraDreaming ? Have you worked out her personality yet?


And how is Pix and Jett @Captain24 ? Has Jett changed since puppyhood?

Re: I can’t cope

  • @tymeshe’s a life of the party always giggling and always has the funniest facial expressions and then we all laugh and she laughs with us lol

Re: I can’t cope

That is incredible! They are such a joy (until they're not!) @ArraDreaming 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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