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Re: Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

It’s funny you say that. I have lost lots of work the same way. Fortunately the cloud saved my writings this last time or I would have giving up on the idea. I’ve had some CRAZY/interesting stories from my 6+ manic episodes in my life. The episode before this last I spent months working on
the initial piece and thanks to the cloud...there is a chance:) I’d like to intertwine these interesting stories into a read that
helps raise awareness.

Also.. I have read thousands of forms, especially on mental illness and this is the first time I have ever posted.. I can already see how much more of a tool these sites are for our well being.

I’m happy this post stood out to you
Peace brotha

Re: Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

I have the time and a counselor suggested a particular place the other day... so now I am
More inclined to make that happen!

Re: Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

I have the time and a counselor suggested a particular place the other day... so now I am
More inclined to make that happen!
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