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Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

Hi all.

In the past I've gone through a cycle on a mental health care plan to address moderate anxiety prompted by career changes. Im in my late 20s, single - I was in a major depressive state, due to the uncertainty and managing the process of finding new employment - and the whole self critical aspects of the process. I had anxiety before this, but the situation of this major change amplified it through the roof.

Last time 3 years ago, I left my job and also the industry,  after facing severe stress due to working conditions and lack of support from my employer at the time - it was my first graduate corporate work and was there 4.5 years . I then sought to change careers, and had been working in a new sector since up until October. 

Im now back in the situation of the job search process, and I find my self lurching back to unhelpful patterns of anxiety - eg helplessness, self criticism and comparison-  when I was job searching last time. Im not working currently and im wondering what has helped you or you would recommend to maintain a healthy mental health mindset during this process of job searching and etc - as the process and decisions feel like the weight of the world at times. 





Re: Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

Hi @anth0888,

Welcome to Forum Land! Being unemployed can be super tough. My lack of employment is a huge source of frustration and despair for me. @MDT is around your age and is facing challenges around employment too. He talks about it here. You might also like to check out this thread: under 30s thread where some of the younger members such as Hamsolo01 and @outlander tend to chat together. 

Re: Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

hi @anth0888
as @Phoenix_Rising has pointed out I'm in a bit of a similar situation. I'm just fresh out of uni and struggling to find a job and employment in something (basically because my ideas are drying up fast and i recently got declined a volunteer role).
I can't really provide you with advice but I guess it might help you if you could pass on some helpful tips for navigating what can be a very challenging time. I totally empathise with you in relation to helplessness etc.
What did you study?
Also welcome to forums

Re: Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

Hi @antho888 and welcome
I dont have much to add as im employed but i cab hear your frustrations! Your more than welcome to come join us for a chat on the under 30s thread we have a few members that are active on there

Re: Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

no worries. ill post up there and continue the discussion there

Re: Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

I have been currently dealing with the same kind of issue. I am 35 though. I had a manic episode last summer that resulted in quiting my job and a few months in jail. I have lots to be grateful for but as I am currently unemployed , I have been very critical on my self and having low self worth.

I try and spend some time on creative exercises (I have been writing about my struggles with mental heath and the life stories that have come from them)

I am working on making a habit to exercise

I am also willing to work any part time job at this point(being on disability that is all I can/should work. I may have a job washing dishes... I’ll take anything at this point for to have more productively

I would like to also hear what others have done to help them selves in this situation

Re: Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

Hi @anth0888

Job seeking is never easy and we often find ourselves swimming amongst despair, hopelessness, helplessness, self criticism and comparisons. I know this all too well because I've changed jobs 5 times since 2011. I've just recently been accepted into another role and will soon commence work again, but this was after 9 months of unemployment. In this time I spent two weeks in a psychiatric ward, was refused financial assistance from the government, became reliant on substance use to get by, and saw countless rejections before and after interviews from prospective employers. It was a terrible time in my life. But it wasn't all doom and gloom.

How I dragged myself out of the gutter was attributable to several things:

- My partner. She was there through all my breakdowns and was forever supportive and uplifting

- I started doing DBT (dialectical behavioural therapy) and my individual therapist as well as my group therapy sessions were pivotal to me maintaining a better mental state. It was a slow progression to improvement but it was what kept me accountable and what got me by

- I started seeing a job provider and my job provider case manager was so wonderful and encouraging and supportive. I didn't come to see her to help me look for work. I was able to do that on my own. I came to see her to just chat. She made me feel better just by being her bubbly optimistic encouraging self.

- I got off drugs and alcohol. This was also paired with exercise (strength training) and starting the Atkins diet. Doing all this really lifted my spirits and made me feel confident again. I lost 5kgs within two or so months and hope to continue to lose weight till I get back to my ideal weight (put on 20kgs with my change of antidepressants). Tending to a healthier me (in a physical sense) helped me feel a sense of control , something that I didn't feel with job seeking, and provided a good distraction to job seeking, which was my 'full time job'

- I changed antidepressants. Although it made me put on alot of weight, it was also what saved me from myself and enabled me to feel ready once to get back into work

- Friends. I was ashamed to see friends at first because once again I was unemployed, and ontop of that, really let myself go by gaining all that weight. But they never judged me and was only there to provide a lending ear. They also helped me get my current job by being personal references

- Determination. Despite all the rejections from several propestive employers, I never gave up. Sure I had really bad days where some rejections would see me breakdown more heavily then other days, but I self talked myself into believing that I am worthy and that i would make a great employee. Those that rejected me just lost someone worth having. Now don't get me wrong I am no narcisist. Quite the opposite actually. But I had to 'fake it till I made it's. Sometimes we have to be our own cheerleaders. We spend too much time being our own worst enemies

These are all ways I managed to cope during my most recent time being unemployed.

Other suggestions I could offer include volunteer work, and taking time to do things you love as a reward for working hard to find work. This includes hobbies or self soothing activities like adventures in nature, having warm baths, listening to your fav music etc. This would have helped me more but sometimes I get so fixated on a goal that I don't stop and remember to take care of myself in the process.

Sorry this was a rather long post. Your post really stuck out and grabbed me because I can relate so well. I hope I have helped in one way or another. Best wishes on the job hunt. You will find that job and know that there will be hard days but you must never lose sight that you are worthy and some employer out there will see that and grasp you with both hands. You got this! Keep your chin up 🙂



Re: Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

Your rather long of a post was a great help to me.. because I can currently relate to the post that you are responding to..
So thanks &
Blessings back to you

Re: Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

Ps. Volunteer work will provide that sense of purpose we seek with employment and boost your confidence and keep you feeling fulfilled and productive 🙂 I did some volunteer work back in the day helping a visually impaired woman. Its just the most wonderful thing to do, whether we have time on our hands or not

Re: Maintaining mental health during unemployment and uncertainty.

I'm glad I could help @Greydays. I love that you are using creative therapy to help you during this tough time. I used to do the same on this site called protagonize but sadly that site shut down. I was notified of the site shutting down after it happened so I was unable to save all my work (yes I should have saved it onto my computer first and foremost rather then just having the only copy on a website). Alas, things happen for a reason . Writing is wonderful form of self therapy and that's what it provided for me. Doesn't matter if all my work is with me or not. The 'release' happened and that is what is most important. Best wishes finding that job. And don't forget to be kind to yourself.

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