Re: Grief

Are you using a phone, ipad, or computer? I wonder if it's device related because you mentioned that the screen is blank. @Scream58 


I'm sorry this is distressing for you. 


If it's easier, I we can try sort it out during the week and you can try again next week? 


So so sorry.

Senior Contributor

Re: Grief

Using a phone. Samsung A35, latest Android update. I'm tech savvy having worked in mobile phone tech support for 5 years but find this sites particularly hard to navigate and completely counter intuitive.

Re: Grief

I totally agree with you. @Scream58 


You are not the only one. It's seems like one of those things that you jumps hoops to get to it, but once you've done it once, you've got it for life. I'm so sorry it didn't work tonight. 


I'm going to see if I can work through it with you during the week.


Do you have any screenshots? Or is it just blank? If it's on your phone, I wonder if it's because popups are disabled?

Senior Contributor

Re: Grief

I don't have energy to analyse this. I wanted ,not abothproblem to solve.... I'm out!!!

Re: Grief

So sorry @Scream58 

Re: Grief

Hi @Scream58 


Been reading through the posts and have to admit that grief and funerals sometimes always brings out the worst in people.  But as @tyme said you are there for your Dad, no one else but your Dad.  Though it was good to hear that your sister accepted your offer of help.


You will have your son and granddaughter with you, so keep them close, they are your kindness support network.


On a lighter note, I went through the whole tech stuff that you and @tyme were talking about, initially it didnt work for me, but then it did, don't know what I did, but it can be very frustrating --- as you can see am not a techie person!!!!


All the best 🙂

Re: Grief

Hi @Scream58 


I hear your internal consternations, which are easy to understand when considering the concerns that you have raised. Moreover, I hear that you would like pay respect to you dad's life, regardless of any temporary feelings of discomfort.


I believe that by drawing on your strength of character and enduring love for your dad, you can attend the funeral service with "head held high", and with a knowledge that this is something that your dad would have wanted. And above all else, it will honour his life, and the happy memories that you have of him.


In regard to people's ill-informed views of mental ill-health, I suggest that you consciously and without reservation set these aside. I say this, as society's appreciation of mental health and mental ill health has evolved to one of greater acceptance and understanding.   











Senior Contributor

Re: Grief

Probably the most stressful day of my life. I hate that my family has a split the size of the Grand Canyon. I felt so incredibly alone. My sister gave me a glare that may require stitches when I asked her to be in a family photo.
I feel so empty, number, now.
I don't know what to do next.
Peer Support Worker

Re: Grief

Oh wow @Scream58 that is so rough! You definitely don't deserve to be treated that way. Was it the funeral today? 


Totally legit to not know what to do with yourself. I find that sometimes some good ol' busy-work can help, something to keep the brain just occupied enough to not have to think, but not so intense that it could become stressful. Do you have any other committments today?