Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@tyme  I'm sorry to read on another thread that you have Covid 😣


I hope it's not bad and you can stay warm at home and come up with enough things to occupy you 🤞

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I'm so sorry for your experience with the new gp @NatureLover . It sounded very painful and traumatic.  Over the last few weeks I've had quite an ordeal with gynae issues too.

Family problems can be so fraught. I'm sure they've spilled over into every area of my life. It's a horrible feeling. 

I'm glad you were able to shop and get to work. I hope you managed to rest and recuperate today. 

I enjoyed my (short) walk today which put me in a better frame of mind. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks for your empathy, @Dimity  ❤️ I'm sorry to hear you've had similar ordeals recently 😢


Yes, I pretty much stayed in bed for 2 days. Hoping to go to work today and that I can cope with it. 


Yes, family problems are so damaging and deep, sadly.


I'm glad you felt up to a walk yesterday...I hope you managed to catch some of the sun despite the cold. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hoping you got to work @NatureLover and were able to catch up a little.

I couldn't face getting up until a delivery was due. The day was a write-off other than catching the nearly-full moon on a short walk this evening. 




Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity are so brave to go walking at night! (I'm scared of the dark and batten down the hatches at 5pm in winter lol)


I'm sorry you were feeling unable to face things yesterday. I know the feeling and it sucks. 


Thankfully I was able to catch up yesterday on the work I missed last week. Am feeling stronger as a result. Today is an errand day, then 2 days at home, which is nice.  The house has got out of control so I need to tidy up. Luckily the lounge-room floor is still clear, but the kitchen floor is covered in bags again. After I was keeping it fairly clear. 


I hope you wake up feeling stronger and able to face what you need to today 🤞

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I walk at twilight sometimes @NatureLover but don't see well in the dark.

Well done.on getting back to work  and well done on keeping the loungeroom floor clear.

That's significant.  

I was back at the gp - more antibiotics. 

My house is out of control too. Well yours isn't completely if the loungeroom is OK. I think I'll try to shift stuff from the loungeroom back into the spare room.








Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@Dimity wrote:

I walk at twilight sometimes @NatureLover but don't see well in the dark.

Ah, I see @Dimity . 


I hadn't realised you were sick and on antibiotics - sorry to hear. 


My lounge-room is no longer clear after my shopping trip yesterday. Climbing over bags. Quite a lot of work to do this weekend. Plus gardening needed. 


Sorry your house is out of control too. It might make you feel better to have the stuff in the spare room instead of the lounge-room? Less visible?


Hoping you have a good day today if possible 🤞

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@NatureLover yes second lot of antibiotics,  more of the carryover from the medical procedure that went wrong a month ago. So I've been battling on several fronts.

House and garden... they seem beyond me at present. Hope you were more successful than I was. Yes I'm sick of the loungeroom clutter but will need to reorganise the spare room. I despair of getting everything done in 4 weeks. 

How are you going with increasing the light box?









Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@Dimity wrote:

@NatureLover yes second lot of antibiotics,  more of the carryover from the medical procedure that went wrong a month ago. So I've been battling on several fronts. 

Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear this 😢


Are you also planning to take probiotics once your antibiotics are finished? I ask because a friend of mine didn't do this, and developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as a result, from which developed Multiple Chemical Sensitivities as well. She's now been ill for nearly 20 years as a result. So I mention this to everyone. 


Oh no, so you need to reorganise the spare room before you can move stuff from the lounge-room in there? 


I managed to clear the lounge-room floor yesterday and do lots of laundry, but that's all. Need to work harder today, including the gardening. Especially as it's going to be sunny today. The gardening is actually difficult - huge tangles of blackberries just outside the fence line. But the blackberries are coming over and through the fence, so I need to get rid of them. I've borrowed a neighbour's garden bin to do it, which won't be forever. 


I've increased the light box to 45 minutes a day, and that seems OK so far... I'm constantly itchy, especially my hands and arms, but not excessively. I think I need to revert to the soap I know doesn't cause itchiness, while I increase the light box. I still have 2 types of soap to trial, but now's not the time, in winter with the S.A.D. 


If you don't get everything done in 4 weeks, what would happen? It sounds like a tall order. You're battling on so many fronts 😢



Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hope you had a good day @NatureLover .

Thanks for the reminder re probiotics. I didn't realise the consequences could be so dire.

Blackberries are wretched things to deal with. I ended up having to get help with mine.

Is there any reason not to continue the soap that works? If it's not too expensive you don't need to exhaustively trial everything else. 

I'd like to be on top of the house and garden in case I lose my vision and family have to step in. But yes,  it's a tall order.