Community Elder

ACES and it's relevance to mental health.

The Adverse Childhood Experience Study (ACES) was conducted in the United States back in the 1990's.  It was a huge survey that looked at childhood trauma experiences involving 17,000 participants.  What that study found was groundbreaking as it illustrated the link between childhood trauma experiences and future physical/mental health outcomes.  As an example strong links were found between high ACE scores  and impaired health/mental health.  Interestingly living or growing up in a household with someone suffering with a mental health illness was considered to be an adverse childhood experience!

From my own personal experience I can see the links myself.  My ACE score is a 7 which is very high.  My son's ACE score is a 5. 

If you're interested in taking a quick ACE quiz here is a link: 


More information and a link to a more extensive questionnaire is available from the World Health Organisation http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/violence/activities/adverse_childhood_experiences/en/

This is also a fabulous Ted talk by Dr Nadine Burke Harris called How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime.  This is a must see.


I firmly believe that alot of today's mental health issues began as a result of our exposure(s) to adverse events in childhood.  I also believe that the future of mental health treatment has to look at the whole picture and start fixing things from the very beginning.

I'd love to hear thoughts from anyone who can see a link between the mental health of those we are caring for and their early childhood experiences.  

Janna ❤️


Re: ACES and it's relevance to mental health.

Hi Janna

My score is a 7 too.  I have been making links between childhood events all along .. one of my problems is that "schizophrenia" and "orphanages" are serious trigger words to others .... therapists did not know how to deal with the words so that I was often clamped down on ... I did not want to whinge about a hard childhood ... and not encouraged to actually make connections and talk in my therapy ... about what had worked in my life and what had not worked. 

My son's score is lower than mine too ... so while the score is lower the outcome is trickier ... does it have to do with gender ... mothers and sons ???

I note that you are a coper ... so am I ... "resilience" is another word tossed about ... I have plenty of resilience but also have to face the fact people like your son and my son are genuinely suffering when we have tried to protect them and do our best for them ... caring in MI is not about competitions ... but this is such a competitive society ... my son experienced far more aggressive competition on a close and more regular rate that I did ... so maybe that is what tipped his situation ... I am still looking for answers ...

Re: ACES and it's relevance to mental health.

Thanks for sharing this resource @Janna

Re: ACES and it's relevance to mental health.

"Farout!"...but not surprising ...