Re: Winter solstice

Am so happy you've found a helper! Sorry though that it will cost so much 😣 


Do you have to pay for the eye surgery upfront? 😮 Oh my gosh!


But well done on paying the utility bills. 


@Dimity wrote:

Hi @NatureLover

And things are difficult with my sister. 

There's noone to talk to. 

So sorry, my friend 😢 You can talk to me, but I know you're reluctant to do so online. 


Do you mean you're escalating the problem with the new tenants? 


Things must be overwhelming...I hope you're coping ❤️


Good luck with your GP and urogynae visits 🤞 I hope all will be well 🤞



Re: Winter solstice

@NatureLover I had someone help today. And saw the gp. Humiliation on both counts. Difficulty trying to arrange access to my stored stuff. Started trying to deal with surgery admin - will need to photocopy before posting. Paid part of surgery fee. Still feeling I don't want to go through with it. 

Yes I sought advice re the problem with the new tenants. (That reminds me, I hope your difficult neighbour has been behaving herself.)

You're right, it feels overwhelming. I'm trying to muddle through but not doing very well.


Re: Winter solstice

Ohhh no, @Dimity ! Your new helper was humiliating?? They weren't sensitive to you? I'm dismayed to hear 😢 Will you continue with them? 


Well done on paying the surgery fee when you don't want the surgery. That is huge. Good luck with the paperwork for it... And it's a scary surgery, I'm not surprised you don't want it. 


I hope the advice re the new tenant was helpful. My nasty neighbour has been quiet lately, cross fingers...maybe the second warning from the real estate agent helped. 


I'm sorry things feel so overwhelming. Overwhelm is horrible. Sending care and wishes that things will ease for you ❤️

Re: Winter solstice

@NatureLover I've set limits with this helper as I feel she wouldn't be respectful of personal space - she rearranged a lot without asking. Perhaps it's a positive she took the initiative but I'll have to look for some stuff I was using. I'm trying another helper too - but I'm not sure if we can do what I'd planned due to complications accessing my offsite stuff. 

My specialist appointment went well. 

Tomorrow I'll head to the library.

Fingers crossed you get off to a good start tomorrow even if it's cold again.

Re: Winter solstice

Pleased to hear your specialist appt went well 🙂 @Dimity 


Hmmm, I wouldn't like that, what your new helper did. I hope she respects the limits you set.


I hope the second helper works out well and you can access your stuff off-site. 🤞


Did you make it to the library? 

Re: Winter solstice

@NatureLover I didn't make it to the library.  

I had a bad start with speaking to my old gp. I'd sent some limited, carefully worded feedback but she just didn't understand or care. I guess I can put it behind me now.

I won't be continuing with the first helper after her next visit. She "tidied" the carport although I'd only asked for help with the garden and now I've lost or mislaid supplies and tools.  I'd not quite trusted her from the meet and greet, hence the limit. The second helper I hope will help inside and with transport. But it's hopeless. There simply isn't enough time to get things organised, and I feel miserable. I'm just not up to it.











Re: Winter solstice

Hugs @Dimity . Hope it gets better for you.

Re: Winter solstice

That rotten old GP! @Dimity 


I think it's sensible to not continue with the first helper. She did what you didn't want, and didn't listen. Do you have to even see her for a second visit? 


I hope the second helper will be better...sending wishes... 


@Dimity wrote:

But it's hopeless. There simply isn't enough time to get things organised, and I feel miserable. I'm just not up to it.

So sorry to hear 😢 I know the feeling of "just not up to it". Sending care ❤️

Re: Winter solstice

Well @NatureLover with the helpers' help the garden is much tidier and I've dealt with over a dozen boxes, so I'm making progress. I'm very tired and there's still a lot to do. Too much.

I'm trying to be optimistic and make plans for after the eye op - I've made appts with the osteopath and a physio. 

I have an early start tomorrow. I hope your day goes well and you're feeling better. 




Re: Winter solstice

You've dealt with over 12 boxes?!! I'm blown away! That is incredible work! Well done 👏 @Dimity 


This second helper sounds good then? 


@Dimity wrote:

I'm trying to be optimistic and make plans for after the eye op - I've made appts with the osteopath and a physio. 

Am impressed with this also 🙂


I can see you're still feeling a lot of pressure with so much yet to do. But you have achieved a lot in a short time this week. 


I hope your early start doesn't feel too yucky. (I imagine myself struggling at 10pm at night and that you might feel like that early in the morning)