Senior Contributor

Warning: Vent also potential trigger....but no idea where to go.

Psychiatrist discharged me from her care completely when I thought we agreed to stay whilst I find a new one. I am now without a psychiatrist and we all know how easy they are to find, let alone get into. I got torn into by her receptionist when I dared to ask what's going on. 

I feel alone. Totally alone. Only a year ago I ended up in PAPU at a local hospital to me. I didn't want to end up there again but it looks like I will. At least this time they can help me find an actual psychiatrist...I guess. No wonder the ambulance service gets sick of us. 

No idea if I'm "safe" or not. I'm so alone, despite family etc. I just want a doctor of any description to give me the time of day for more than 5 mins. Is that too much to ask?



Re: Warning: Vent also potential trigger....but no idea where to go.

Hi @ButterflyWings

so sorry to hear that you had such a terrible experience . 


it is so frustrating to hear that you have no psychiatrist now, because of this. 

I am concerned about you, i have sent you an email. Please respond to that. 


We are here for you. 


Re: Warning: Vent also potential trigger....but no idea where to go.

Hi @ButterflyWings 


Glad you have found yourself here, as its full of people who do actually care about you, so you are not alone.  Feel free at anytime to tell us how you are feeling and what you are going through.


Am quite shocked to hear what you went through, however I was wondering if you should pay a visit to your GP and tell him what has happened.  He will be in a better position to see what is best for you, and please stick with your medication if you are on any.


We are here for you.  Take care 🙂



Re: Warning: Vent also potential trigger....but no idea where to go.

Hey @ButterflyWings ,


Thank you for reaching out. I wanted to check in with you today to see how you are.


I recognise things have been hard and I know first hand how much it hurts to be discharged from someone's care when you weren't expecting it. 


Whilst these forums cannot replace the work of a psychiatrist or psychologist, we can sit here and listen to you for more than 5 mins. We can do our best to support you emotionally using our own lived experience as most, if not all, of us have been on our own MH journey or are on it right now.


We are listening. We are here for you.


Hope to hear from you. Feel free to tag us into your posts by typing "@" in front of our names e.g. @tyme . That way, we will receive a notification of your post.

Re: Warning: Vent also potential trigger....but no idea where to go.

Thank you @Friendlyflutter @tyme Much appreciated.🩷💜 More pain today as Alzheimer's diagnosed officially with my dear Mum. Never got around to calling anyone today but I will do tomorrow. At least I had distractions today. Sigh

Re: Warning: Vent also potential trigger....but no idea where to go.

@Asgard  I have a GP appt for Friday. We will see. Just surviving until then.

Re: Warning: Vent also potential trigger....but no idea where to go.

I'm sorry to hear about your mum @ButterflyWings . I can hear how challenging things can be, especially if it feels things are just snowballing and you feel you are left to do it on your own.


We're here to listen.

Re: Warning: Vent also potential trigger....but no idea where to go.

Hi @ButterflyWings 


Glad that you have made that appointment and Friday is only a day away.  So until you see your GP, be kind to yourself and treat yourself to something that you enjoy.  Always here for ye 🙂

Re: Warning: Vent also potential trigger....but no idea where to go.

Hey @ButterflyWings .,


Thinking of you. How was your appointment? (only if you feel like sharing - no pressure).


Hope you are okay.

Re: Warning: Vent also potential trigger....but no idea where to go.

@tyme Wasn't helpful at all unfortunately. I guess I'll try again with someone else but I'm tired with this. Not even crisis lines want to know me. Looks like triage on Monday.