Re: Struggling with everything

@Snowie - I feel like a mistake, I feel worthless. I don't feel like I'm myself 

Re: Struggling with everything

Those feelings are ok to have @Fluttershy1 

I have lots of feelings at the moment that are not great.

It is hard to let go of them


Is there something you can do for yourself? Some kind of self care?

Re: Struggling with everything

Nope @Snowie, I just wanna be lazy. I don't care at the moment to be honest

Re: Struggling with everything

Well I care about you @Fluttershy1 

Are you playing your xbox at all or just laying in bed?

Re: Struggling with everything

I don't care about myself at the moment @Snowie, I'm just hiding in bed

Re: Struggling with everything

I remember someone saying not long ago that hiding in bed is like a "mini vacation" @Fluttershy1 

Perhaps we can have a mini vacation together.

Re: Struggling with everything

Yeah i guess @Snowie, feeling like a mistake, I wish I didn't SH, the thoughts are there

Re: Struggling with everything

Am safe @Snowie 

Re: Struggling with everything

You are not a mistake hon @Fluttershy1 

I know those thoughts are hard to deal with. Especially when we have SH and then have to deal with the consequences of our actions. It is hard to deal with at times.

Glad you are safe however hon. 

Re: Struggling with everything

Hey @Fluttershy1

I can hear you're struggling right now and I'm sorry. It also sounds like there's a bit of guilt there for you about what's happened with the SH. Please know that it's ok to feel what you're feeling, though it's also super important to reach out for extra offline support if what you're experiencing starts to feel too overwhelming and I'd really like to encourage you to do that.


It sounds like @Snowie had some good suggestions around self care, though I'm also wondering if there's anything you can think of that you could do to help yourself through this?  


Wishing you whatever strength and courage you may need to get through this and all the very best, 


TideisTurning 🌷