Senior Contributor

'Stale' images

Does anyone get 'stale' images from work....if you work 



Re: 'Stale' images

Hi @jamesle2015  and welcome to the forums.  I don't work but am curious about what you mean by 'stale images'.   Perhaps you could explain a bit more?

Also you might like to join in the Introduce yourself here  thread.  There's a couple of posts there from me this morning that have useful information about how to use the forums that might be helpful.

Hope you find your way around the forums easily and some people with understanding of your question.

Re: 'Stale' images

hi @jamesle2015
could you explain more what you mean by stale images from work?

Re: 'Stale' images

@eth im not new to the forums...been here for a while 🙂

'stale' images ...keep replaying negative things from work such as negative interactions with bad manager or bad customers

or replaying the previous shift when it's Saturday and I am not at work 

i always suffer from this

Re: 'Stale' images

Hi @jamesle2015 

I can relate here, and not just at work, although mostly work because that's where negative 'replays' as I call them, are more likely to happen because of more moments of high tension.

My tool is usually distraction.

Something else to focus my mind on to stop it going back to the negative. 

It's really hard to do at times, and this past year I have failed miserably..

Am planning to discuss this very thing with my therapist next week when I see her...

Re: 'Stale' images

Hi @jamesle2015 

I overthink so much and so often and one of the ways I do this is in replaying situations too. Sometimes/often I find the more I think about something the more it seems my brain hones in on the 'bad' stuff. For me the bad stuff is often the things I should have/could have done better or done differently. It's like any good can fade away when I'm in that headspace and it's a real struggle to get out of.

I've had to work really hard on letting things go and I think I might have to continue to work on that for a long time as it's seems hardwired in me to hold on. I try to have some kind of way of mentally and emotionally leaving something behind and packing it up. For example, after a shift at a volunteer job I have I stop at the same place on my way home and dedicate some time to thinking about things that happened during my shift, then before I get in the car I imagine leaving it there. Visualising leaving something behind doesn't always help though and it seems at times that the only way I can even slightly let something (anything) go is by intentionally looking for some kind of positive somewhere. If nothing else it can be that I have learned something, which to me is a positive that can help it feel less 'all bad'.

That all might sound a bit fluffy and my apologies if it does 😏

Have you ever tried anything like this or any kind of strategy to stop the replaying that can happen?

Re: 'Stale' images


I was very lucky today - the bloke at the Coles Express petrol station sold me

2 packs of 20 dunny rolls 🙂


I didn't ask him - when I paid for the petrol he told me

He gave me another 10c off the petrol as well

The supermarket shelves have been empty lately