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My anxiety is through the roof

My anxiety is through the roof since receiving an email from my housing agency on Friday. I'm not looking after myself again (staying in bed all the time, not showing or cleaning my teeth, not drinking enough water, not eating properly). And I'm afraid that I'm going to get kicked out (I don't want to live here but I don't want to be kicked out). 


Also, my therapist forgot to call me tonight. I have sent her an email asking if we can talk soon.


I would really appreciate hearing from other people who have very bad anxiety.


Though it's not just anxiety for me. It's all tied up with trauma (I have post traumatic stress disorder). That is what is making everything unbearable.


And it all fell through with PARC because I didn't go to my appointment. I thought a mental health service would be understanding about me not being able to get out of bed but they weren't.


So yeah, things are really f***ed.


Re: My anxiety is through the roof

Hi @Arizona , I really hope you don't get evicted, especially in these hard times. I hear you regarding your bad anxiety, the trauma, and not looking after yourself. I can relate. 


I hope your therapist gets in contact with you today, if possible. 


Wishing you all the best. 

Re: My anxiety is through the roof

Hi @NatureLover Thank you for your kindness ❤


I had my breakfast. 

I drank some water.

I took my vitamins and antidepressants.

I put a treatment in my hair.

I had a shower.

I did my affirmation in the mirror.


"I love and accept myself exactly as I am."


Right now I'm in bed with my Pug, drinking a cup of tea. I'm going to watch a new video by Ediya who does the ASMR Reiki videos. This one is for anxiety so it's pretty apt.


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Re: My anxiety is through the roof

My therapist just replied to my email. She's going to call me tonight. 

Re: My anxiety is through the roof

@Arizona wrote:

My therapist just replied to my email. She's going to call me tonight. 

That's really good news! I'm glad. 


I'm also impressed with all you have done already this morning! That's more than I am managing every day. Well done for looking after yourself so well. 🙂


Re: My anxiety is through the roof

You've done well to get through those tasks @Arizona 

I felt like I was in slomo all weekend. Now trying to work.

My anxiety is up, but nothing like housing stress. I'm very sorry to hear that, and hearing you that there's a lot more to it.

Glad your therapist got in touch. Mine says: you can get in touch anytime, but then is *very* slow responding. Also, it's not at all the same as face to face. My last appointment I had to do walking (can't be in the house with kiddult) and through a mask. Not ideal. I might sit in my car next time.

Thinking of you and glad you have your pug. I'm really missing my 2. They were so loving, and good at defusing tension.

Re: My anxiety is through the roof



My stay at PARC fell through cos I was too together and did show up at appointment!  Its beyond me what to expect.

Smiley Surprised



Know it is like to not feel right about having tele health session with kidults in house.  Car is good idea but would not work for me cos my internet drops out in driveway.


Re: My anxiety is through the roof

Sorry to hear you going through those stressful issues.  Thankfully I own my own nice apartment, but stressful to be stuck home all day in isolation and lockdown, makes the depression and anxiety worse. 

Re: My anxiety is through the roof

I made chilli beef. That's about all I could do today.