Community Guide

Hello Peer Guides πŸ™‚

Hello πŸ™‚πŸ‘‹ Peer Guides 

@Ilovepenguins , @Blackbird11 

Not sure who else is a Peer guide but welcome and tell us a bit about yourself ❀️

115 REPLIES 115

Re: Hello Peer Guides πŸ™‚

Hello everyone and @Shaz51 

I am Blackbird11 

I love to encourage others on their way. In this space I hope to offer guidance, resources, empathy, hold space and connect. I enjoy getting into nature and taking photos. I love to catch up with my tribe of friends and family. I'm finding everyone so supportive here, it's a good space to hang out, get questions answered and have community. Tell us a bit about yourself @Shaz51 if you're ok to?

Re: Hello Peer Guides πŸ™‚

Hello @Bon_courage πŸ™‚πŸ‘‹

Re: Hello Peer Guides πŸ™‚

Hi @Shaz51 

So nice of you to reach out to the Peer Guides. Overall these first weeks of support seems to have started really positively.

Re: Hello Peer Guides πŸ™‚

TW: Family court, abusive relationship, suicide attempt


Hello everyone πŸ˜ and thank you @Shaz51 for the invitation to introduce ourselves!


I'm very much a mixed bag, it's hard to know where to start! I have such a plethora of lived experiences, some good but mostly bad. 


Ok so, I was first diagnosed with depression at the age of 11. Since then I've been diagnosed, or misdiagnosed I should say, with BPD, Bi-Polar 2, dysphoria (a modern term for hysteria imo) and drug addiction - I use the term drug addiction rather than substance abuse because that's all I've ever been called, a drug addict πŸ˜’


It wasn't until last year when I survived suicide, that I stood up for myself and pushed for a proper diagnosis because i was sick of feeling like I did. Subsequently, I now live with a diagnosis of ADHD, C-PTSD and PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric (haha ironic) disorder). I hate the label PMDD though and the use of the word disorder too! Women cop so much criticism for the hormonal fluctuations we can't control!


It took 23 years to get that diagnosis, so I've lived more than half of my life misdiagnosed. I can't find the words to describe the iatrogenic effects, mistrust and damage caused by that. And if i did, i'd probably get banned from the forums haha


5 years ago, I unfortunately had to go through the family court system to try and gain access to my child after leaving an abusive relationship with the child's father-all he could use on me was mental health and drug use. I've never been through anything quite as traumatic, discriminative and full of stigma in my entire life and that's a pretty big statement coming from a retired sex worker, an industry full of stigma and discrimination. That is inevitably what led me to trying to take my life, after being bullied and legally coerced into signing consent orders I did not agree to, it completely broke me and any trust I had in seeking treatment and support from any kind of professional.


Every inch of my medical records and psychological records were subpoenaed and weaponised against me -something that has happened again this very week. I'm much stronger and much more educated now though and know I can keep my head above water this time!


Because of the injustices I've faced in my lifetime, I've dedicated my life to peer support and advocacy and hope that one day, I can use my lived experiences of the family courts and mental health, to change the system for the better and to get peer support more readily available in the court systems!

Re: Hello Peer Guides πŸ™‚

TW: Abuse


Hello @Blackbird11 , @Bon_courage , @Ilovepenguins πŸ˜Ž


I have been a Community Guide here for 7 years. 


I was emotionally and Mentally and Physically abused by my dad until mum and i left due to we were both very sick but being in a small country town, he kept rejecting me until he passed away. 


I was born with CRS due to mum having German measle when she was pregnant with me with affected my eyes, ears, my insides and found out later i only had one kidney 


now i have lots of complications due to my kidney disease stage 4 

My mum is a very strong person, and she is 92 now and she has always said "It will Pass"


My husband has had a lifetime of Mental Illness and has had lots of different diagnosis is not well again at the moment. 

I have 4 stepchildren and one grandson. 


@Blackbird11 i did have friends but i don't really anymore unless i go for a walk downtown by myself 


I did private childcare for 25 wonderful years and then my husband and i are self-employed ready to retire due to our health issues.


I love being on the forum helping and supporting and encouraging others πŸ˜ 

Re: Hello Peer Guides πŸ™‚

Hello @Shaz51 

Congratulations on your 7 years here! Your story has had many challenges and you are a survivor and resilient person. I love to see your contributions on here. I was once told it is only ever temporary, and things will only get better if you choose to respond well to situations. So what you focus on is what you will attract. I think this is all pointed towards my emotional world, and feelings are just feelings they too will pass. Reading your story gives me hope for a brighter future. Keep going you are amazing! 

Re: Hello Peer Guides πŸ™‚

Thank 😊 you @Blackbird11 

As you know I really do have times where I find it soo hard and soo challenging at times when I have 3 stepsons with ADHD 

And I am sure my step daughter has bipolar 2 like her dad 

You will be awesome my friend ❀️ 

Re: Hello Peer Guides πŸ™‚

Thank you for your encouragement @Shaz51 πŸ’š

Re: Hello Peer Guides πŸ™‚

Thank you for sharing parts of your story @Shaz51 

It sounds like you've lived through many challenges. I find it so inspiring that despite all the challenges, you have chosen to be here, in these Forums. A place of respect, kindness, support and connection.

You really do make the world a better place.

Your encouragement and support is very appreciated as we embark on this journey that is being a Peer guide.

πŸ™ πŸ™