Re: OCD Germs

@kresii  Thanks for your reply. That's good you are hopeful. 🙂


I'm concerned though that you don't have any support at all. I'm wondering how you would feel about going to your GP and getting a mental health care plan? This would entitle you to up to 10 subsidised sessions with a psychologist per year. It might be good to be able to talk through any anxieties and stresses and get some support as a carer. What do you think?

Re: OCD Germs

Hi I have recently come across this page. Im hoping I can find some assistance here. I don't want to hijack the main thread of course but having troubles creating my own post. Anyway, my 11 year old son has recently been diagnosed with OCD particularly in relation to contamination. He gets very anxious in particularly going to school as he doesnt wish to touch anything in fear of being contaminated. Additionally he omits the letter 'd' from any words as a school colleague name begins with 'd' and whom he perceives as being unhygenic. We desperately need to get this under control and would rather not go down the medication route if at all possible. Can anyone recommend resources or more importantly a psychologist that deals with OCD in children and has had great success. My son tends to relate more with male practitioner's. We reside in Brisbane. Thanks in advance.

Re: OCD Germs

Re: OCD Germs

Hi, welcome, @Tropical , it's good to have you here. 


I'm really sorry to read about your son, especially omitting the letter 'd'. That seems very difficult. 


I'm assuming it might have been a GP who diagnosed your son with OCD? 



@Tropical wrote:

Can anyone recommend resources or more importantly a psychologist that deals with OCD in children and has had great success. My son tends to relate more with male practitioner's. We reside in Brisbane.

Unfortunately we are not allowed to recommend any practitioners...I'm sorry. I am hoping your GP might be able to? Or else you may have to do some research online to find a psychologist who specifically meets your needs...


I think your son must be feeling very unsafe. I know you said you weren't interested in medication, but sometimes medication gets it under control enough to then work on the therapy. The therapy is ERP therapy, Exposure Response Prevention, and it's pretty stressful, as you are exposed to what you fear and you can't engage in your soothing or cleaning rituals. It's necessary, though. Anyway, just a thought. 


Wishing you all the best, @Tropical .

Re: OCD Germs

Hi, sorry to hear and i can totally relate with your frustration.

This thing doesn't go away by itself (as my sister has said, just leave him alone and stop meddling) I can't talk to my family, his dad doesn't know how to deal, and i researched the shit out of this.

I have found a therapist that i have faith in and she specialized in OCD.

This is my last straw, if she can't help, and he doens't put the work in, then that will be his life.. 

I know this sounds harsh, but i have watched him with germ phobia for over four years and i've crossed the line of frustration and am lying in a puddle of surrender and hopelessness.


I hope you can find someone to help him.  My son saw two males before this (and they had specialties of OCD on their websites) they had no idea how to address this other than the txt book comments that we could have found via google.


So if i can recommend anything, it would be to research and find someone that is passionate about this disease.  


I wish you the best in your challenging time and hope you find the help you need for your son and family.


Best wishes,


K 🙂

Re: OCD Germs

Hi there, I can't offer anything very helpful in terms of a good child psychology service (we live in Sydney) but my son is 11 & also has a terrible flare up of his OCD at the moment. It's really disrupting our lives & I decided to come on here to learn from others' experiences. I feel for you - it can be so distressing & debilitating. All I can say is keep looking for a child psychologist that your son can talk to, & know you are not alone. I hope he gets the help he needs, and you get support too. Best of luck.

Re: OCD Germs

Hi Kresli, my daughter who is now 27 also saw a number of psychologists who were not helpful. Some years ago she found someone who was very knowledgeable and who she resonated with. She had extremely severe OCD by the time she had that first appointment at about 22, but her ability to manage and to build a meaningful life has slowly and steadily improved, despite occasional relapses. In my experience it is really worth persisting to find someone who specialises in OCD and who is a good fit. Unfortunately, those practitioners are often difficult to get in to see.

Re: OCD Germs

Hi Jess10,

I managed to get him in to see a lady that is meant to be good, but because of covid, there has been no face to face meetings yet 😞

All telehealth. every time we think were on to a good thing, we hit a roadblock.


.... frustrating.


thanks for your reply

Re: OCD Germs

hello and hugs @kresii@Luna24@Jess10@QueenCornelia@NatureLover Heart