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My world is spinning too fast

I am married to a man with bipolar and our eldest daughter also has it. She is 27. Our son aged 25 has recently broken up in his relationship and is borderline suicidal and our 21 year old daughter has BPD. I am the only one keeping it together right now although I've had one or two bouts of clinical depression in the past. I'm not at breaking point yet but I'm spread very thinly. I'm just trying to keep busy with work and my animals because if I focus on all my family's issues I will lose my balance. I have a couple of hobbies but can't focus and do t know which direction to take right now. Also the kids are all spread out except our son who has come back home to live. He's so angry and distraught right now. Isolating himself. Hubby is not coping with this stress. Oh boy stop the world I wanna get off. If only for a little while. 


Re: My world is spinning too fast

I'm so terrified of telling anyone I'm bipolar. I feel like I'm looked at in a different way.

Re: My world is spinning too fast

That sounds like an awful lot to deal with @Lightmama, and I can certainly understand and relate to the 'stop the world, I wanna get off' feeling! It's really tough watching loved ones struggling and not knowing how to or being able to help. It sounds like you've got some good strategies already with shifting your focus to work and your animals, though I'm wondering if you've got any ideas how else you might be able to slow things down a little? For me, my dogs are a great start, just sitting there and patting them, focusing on the feeling of their soft fur beneath my fingers really helps get me out of my head. Sometimes, they'll be able to tell I'm not doing great and approach me, almost like 'hey, I'm here if you want a hug or something'. 

Re: My world is spinning too fast

@Tralalajoyson the right people won't look at you differently. The others don't matter.

Re: My world is spinning too fast



you are amazing! I only have one to care for and this year has just about broken me.


I couldn't do what you're doing. Can you sneak a weekend away? Or a night, or just an afternoon?


Perhaps leave some suicide prevention phone numbers in your son's room to be on the safe side. Does he need a doctor?


All I have to say really is, I hear you, and you will find a lot of support here.

