Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I have a couple of months @NatureLover. I've done so little for such a long time it won't be easy. I thought I was battling mh and other health issues but I'll just have to get over it and get things done. 

I'm glad your SAD hasn't been too bad so far. 


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

A couple of months - could be worse, could be better I guess @Dimity . A lot of pressure on you 😢


Thanks re S.A.D. 

Good luck today with your health (pain levels) and the decluttering... 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hello @NatureLover @Dimity @creative_writer @Shaz51 ,


How are you all going today?


Yes, Melb has been cold lately, but at least there's sunshine right now. Just gotta be grateful for small mercies, eh?

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @tyme, I’m okay, a bit scatterminded right now, probably uni overload. How are you?

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@tyme yes I'm grateful for sunshine too.

@NatureLover I'm feeling a bit concerned for you re your box storage.  I hope you'll get enough notice if your neighbour doesn't renew their lease.

I'm trying very hard to get back into decluttering but it's confronting as I'm re-engaging with past lives.that I'd compartmentalised and shut off. I'm mostly trying to deal with files at the moment - I have so many It's hard to see progress. 

Good luck with your work tomorrow  @NatureLover .

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@tyme  and @Dimity   - yes, very grateful for the sunshine! Makes everything look better and more hopeful. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , I'm grateful for your kind thoughts. But please don't worry about my box storage...I'm trying not to think about it till I need to. You've reminded me though to check in with my neighbour as to her thoughts about possibly moving. 


At the moment I'm just worrying about "maintaining" the house as neat. Am not getting ahead with any sorting or cleaning, but I figure that changing my habit of living in a  messy house to living in a neat one would be a major victory. 


@Dimity wrote:

I'm trying very hard to get back into decluttering but it's confronting as I'm re-engaging with past lives.that I'd compartmentalised and shut off.

Yes, this is a problem. I can relate. Unfortunately getting rid of things is not a matter of just throwing them out - I needed to process my thoughts regarding the item, plus its history and meaning. And when these were troublesome, it was a huge deal facing them. You have my empathy @Dimity 🫂 


I feel for you as you are battling on so many fronts 😢

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@NatureLover I hope you had a good day.

I agree re a change of mindset to maintaining neatness. I don't buy much any more so it's mainly trying to put things away as I go and trying to keep up with chores. But I'm starting well behind the baseline and have a bad habit of unpacking stuff into living areas. And I know what you mean about processing stuff. It's why I do best when I'm working steadily a little each day rather than working in big bursts. 


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

It's funny, @Dimity  - the same difficulty with processing items leads me to work in big bursts and you to work in small daily amounts! 🙂


I don't have the diacipline you do, plus I need to work up to what I call a "ruthless" feeling. 


I had to leave work early yesterday as 2 people came in sick. It's not just my germophobia - it's also the fact I have severe asthma. It was stressful. 


Good luck today with your decluttering...

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

P.S. @Dimity  Thank you for your brilliant idea of putting the new guidelines into 3 parts 🙂