Senior Contributor

Looking for work with a mental illness

This has to be the hardest thing I have ever done - looking for a new job.  So i already have a part time job, and i do understand that some of you on here have no jobs.  So I probably shouldn't complain.  

But it is so hard to look for work.  I am looking daily sometimes twice or three times a day.

And because there is nothing I am getting more and more anxious and depressed.  I feel that my life will never get better, that i will never be able to work more hours.  And the thing is I don't even know if i want to work more hours.  


Because we are financially stressed I feel that i am to blame.  i feel that if i didn't have a mental illness i would be able to work more hours and support the home and family better.  I wouldn't have to hospitalised so many times a year because i have "breakdowns and cannot cope".


I'm just finding that it so damn tough out there in the workforce.  I have even tried a different industry but nothing.

And then I think to myself - if people with no mental illness can't find work how the hell am i meant to.


Feeling emotional, frustrated, depressed and lost with my life 😞 😞



Re: Looking for work with a mental illness

I can relate to what you've said here @BlueBay. I used to have a successful career in the government until my first ever breakdown. Now I have no job, but am struggling financially mostly because I never put any of my money away for a rainy day. Now I am studying with the aim of completely changing careers. I want more from my life than to just launguish on the DSP.

I want a life to be proud of for me. I want to reach retirement and say to myself "yep, that's a life well lived". I don't think I could do that right now.

If you could work the perfect job, what would it be like? Me, I know I can only work part time at the end of my studies. I am only going to be studying part time too. I know too much stress that would be involved with full time could see me relapse. I so want a better life than what I am currently doing.

Re: Looking for work with a mental illness

Hi @Queenie sorry for the late reply. 

The perfect job?? -  I still love admin especially typing. Over the years I have moved from administration to pharmacy and back and forth. Atm I’m in pharmacy. Completely different careers. 

Pharmacy pay is crap $20 hr. And hasn’t gone up in years. It’s a very low wage fir all the knowledge you need to know eith all the products. 

My very first was working fir the government. Then stayed home for 10 yrs to raise 3 kids. (Thst was the most rewarding job ever). Then got a part time admin job in school camp. Left after 2 years   Pharmacy after that. Then back to admin. Now pharmacy agsin 

I don’t feel thst I am now qualified for admin work. It’s so different. You need to know so much more 

It’s just really tough 


Re: Looking for work with a mental illness

Sounds like you would've enjoyed one of my past jobs working in government sector @BlueBay. In a past life many many moons ago I was in administration doing medical reporting and transcription. It was something I really enjoyed before office politics got in the way. 

Do you think you could do a cert III in office administration? That might help you get up to speed on what you need to know?

Re: Looking for work with a mental illness

I’ve got a certificate iv in admin @QueenieWent back to TAFE a few years ago to update myself. I would like to do a medical receptionist course. But then I’m worried that no one would employ because of my mental health. 

Re: Looking for work with a mental illness

@BlueBay I completely understand where you are coming from! I have been there myself. I choose to work part time at the moment as I have decided to study and I find it really rewarding. I have a big piece of cardboard on it with each of my subjects and then within those circles ive broken it down into assignments. Every time I finish one I colour it in and I see I am a little bit closer to finishing the big circle :).

Have you thought about using your mental illness to help you find work and looking at it as a positive? I know the framework surrounding mental health is changing and there are more roles becomng available for people who have lived experience of MI. The best part is your mental illness is your qualification!!!

Just thought I would share that if it was something you might be interested in.

Re: Looking for work with a mental illness

Hi @emg_1 Thankyou for your reply. 

I like your idea of mental health turn into positive eith a job. 

But what kind of jobs do you suggest? I have no idea. 

when all my mentsl health as well as ptsd and childhood sexual abuse I had a thought thst I could help others to speak out snd get hrlp. Snd not wait over 30 years like I did. 

I would love to talk to children about childhood sexual abuse. But that prob wouldn’t happen. I have no idea where to even begin with this thought. 

Re: Looking for work with a mental illness

@BlueBay Don't sell yourself short!
I do not work for this organisation, however I am a peer support worker in mental health for somewhere else. I just did a quick search and this is one of the many ads that are on there :). Take a look and let me know what you think?

Honestly, when I interviewed for my current role as a peer workers I walked out of the interview thinking I had flunked it. I thought I was too honest in regards to my recovery and things I have seen and been exposed too but it actually turned out to be a blessing!
The best part you work with people who actually get you! And who also have lived experience so it is quite uplifting to look at MI as a qualification 🙂

Let me know what you think!

Re: Looking for work with a mental illness

Hey @emg_1 

thanks for the link. I just looked in my area but nothing around. 

I feel I don’t have enough confidence or self esteem. 

But I will think about this snd could tslk it over with my psychologist and see what she thinks. 

Do another course - I don’t even know that I could do thst. . 

I did have a grand plan of doing a massage therspy course a few years ago and then I could work from home. Well that course only lasted 3 weeks. I couldn’t concentrate couldn’t remember things and had a really mean teacher. I ended up leaving because I was crying going there and leaving at night to go home. But it was such a good idea. It never eventuated. 

I don’t know I’m not very confident or positive. 

I will keep looking for work 😊


Re: Looking for work with a mental illness

@BlueBay you will get there!
If it all seems a bit overwhelming maybe set some really simple goals first that you can break down further that will put you on the right path to finding a new job.

I wish you all the best in your search.
Just yell out at me if you need any help or anything at all really 🙂